Thursday 21 April 2011


Today we looked over our animation and found some errors so we decided to change a few things such as the lighting and the way it looked. Me And James then started putting the animation together with the new changes. Three terms we also use in animation are frame rate, Onion skinning and also Tweening.
Frame rate is the how fast a number of frames are too make the animation work smoothly the Number of frames per second are 24 we did this when we were making our Flip book so that it would work smoother.
Onion Skinning  Is when you can see the one of the frames to another frame so you can see exactly where the one before was so its in the exact same place we did this on photo shop with our flip book by putting the opacity down to 50% so we could see though then putting it back up to 100%.
Tweening is the drawing between the first Drawing in our flip Book and the last Drawing In our flip book its all the drawing in between the two drawings.

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