Thursday 6 January 2011


Animation is a rapid display of a sequence of images  which is a type of optical illusion.
Two different types of early animation are the phenakistoscope and the flip book.
A phenakistoscope is a spinning dic attached to a handle. around the centre is a disc with a series of pictures drawn corresponding to the frames. a flip book is a book with a series is drawing flipped to create animation.

Two contemporary types of animation are computer animation and stop motion animation. computer animation is animation create digitally on the computer . Stop motion animation is created by physically manipulating real world object and moving them creating the effect that they are moving.
The difference between early animation and contemporary animation is that technology has moved on meaning most animation can be done digitally which means there is a lot more tools to use which could save a lot more time than sitting redrawing everything.
My Favourite all time animation is Space-Jam because it has one of the original forms of animation and acting working together .

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