Tuesday 28 September 2010

Making my EPK

Today in Dees class i added a johnny cash video to my EPK my downloading video download helper, streamclip and also perian i used to these to help me put the video into my EPK.The video i chose to do was hurt by Johnny Cash.

Friday 24 September 2010

Big Johns class

Today in big johns class i finished my Blink 182 Podcast by doing my voice recording. i then started my group podcast with james on johnny cash as shaun and warren were absent.

Friday 10 September 2010


today for my pod-cast i got information so i could speak on my pod-cast i also got some photos to go along with the music. My podcast was done on garage band . i got the photos through iphoto.

Image manipulation task

Today in Big Johns Class I did an image manipulation task which included me creating a folder called Epk,s and making two sub folders in the folder called scripts and images. I then took a photo of myself on photo-booth i then saved this photo in my images folder called Alan Stewart.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Johnny cash Epk

Today we had a meeting where james was elected to be the chairman. We then put ourselves into groups and decided which our favorite artists and bands were. We then chose one we could all agree on ours was johnny cash. We then started too research johnny cash so we have information for our Epks.