Tuesday 31 August 2010

Web content

Today in Dees we went on iweb and i created a blog about myself  and about falkirk i did this on iweb so i got used to using it.  

this is my blog


today in Dees class we found EPKs for different bands we like and then gave them a rating out of 10 my first band was http://blink-182.Com  which i rated 9/10. my second band was http://pendulum.Com which i rated 10/10. My third band was http:// bowlingforsoup.Com which i rated 8/10. My fourth band was http://www.paramore.Net  which i rated 7/10. The last band i rated was http://biffyclyro.com which i rated 9/10

Friday 27 August 2010

big johns class first day

firstly we got introduced to the course of media production and also digital video.  Today i collected photos for my pod-cast which is about blink 182. i collected images from google then pressed control and saved the photos to my iphoto this done so i could use the photos in my garage band.

Tuesday 24 August 2010

web content

today i took photos of myself using photo-booth i then saved these photos in my file in iphoto file which was called web content  I was able to manipulate the photos in photo booth. After this i learned how to do a screen grab which is done by holding the apple button then the 4 button. After this i looked for different band epks

first day at college

the first day of college we made blogger accounts on the mac in Dees class. In Robs class we interviewed one of our colleagues and made a biography about them then in Gavin's class we made articles about the biographies.